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This app gives you a snapshot of the US economy (and snapshots for each state as well). It works great on Android phones as well as tablets and supports all device sizes in landscape and portrait modes.
The iPhone version of this app was featured in Wiley Publishing's book on Incredible iPhone apps and (for weeks) the app was ranked #1 on Apple's top charts for the Finance category.
Do you want to gauge the current state of the US economy with the latest economic indicators? Do you want to review historical data for patterns across recessions or patterns across Republican and Democratic presidencies?
Do you want to win arguments when people talk about issues like inflation, unemployment, trade, politics relating to the economy etc.? Do you want to make speculative predictions about the economy based on the latest Econ data and patterns from the past? Does economics or the financial world or investment or economic news interest you ?
This app will help you with all of that and more by giving you latest values of key economic indicators published by the Federal Reserve and tracking the history of these indicators across the past few months, years and decades. The app gives you straight news (i.e. economic data).
1. Latest values of key US economic indicators (Housing, Employment, Manufacturing, Inflation, Trade Deficit, weekly updates of Canadian,Mexican currency exchange rates , M2 Money stock, etc.) published by the US Federal Reserve.
2.Graphs to track economic data across many different time ranges (e.g. 1 year, 3 years, ...,40 years etc.)
3.Graphs that track USA economic data across Democratic and Republican presidencies and across Recession periods in America over the past several decades.
4.Help/Descriptions for most economic indicators
5. Data-value transformations (graphs can be charted on interesting y-axis transformations (e.g. continuously compounded annual rate of change, natural log etc.)
6. The app requires internet connectivity, but previously downloaded/viewed (saved) data can be viewed in offline mode without an internet connection.
7. The app has been optimized for phones and tablets. It works in both landscape and portrait mode and it supports multiple device sizes.
Download this app to see why Economy from Cascade Software Corporation was ranked #1 on Apple's top charts for the Finance category and why it was featured on the cover page of Wiley Publishing's book on Incredible iPhone Apps.
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