Thursday, 31 July 2014

download Let's get WASTED! Pro APK

Let's get WASTED! Pro

Cards & Casino

Download .apk

Let's get WASTED! Pro Version

It's a drinking game for hard-drinking party people with calculated blood alcohol content and time to sober up of each player.


- AdFree! No ads are shown

- Set your drinking-behaviour (more behaviours than in free version)

- See the current and maximum blood alcohol content (BAC in ‰)

- Calculate the required time to sober up

- Take a picture or select an avatar for each player

- You are notified, when a player sobers up

- Share players or whole games with your friends


Just enter the players and alcohols you want to play with and start a new game. Each round, a player is chosen and has to trink or do something.

During the game, you can see detailed information about the blood alcohol content and the drink-history of each player. The required time to sober up is also calculated.

When getting WASTED is done, you can save the drinking game and share it with your friends.


Network communication - to share players or the whole drinking game via Facebook, to load ads

Hardware contols - to give haptic feedback during the game

Download .apk

The time has finally arrived. After years of waiting, Terrence Malick 's highly anticipated new film, The Tree of Life official premiere today at the Cannes film festival to pretty much acclaim and discussion. Most have probably heard that the film clearly abstract and very cosmic, is not only to a family in Texas in the 50s, but also who free Let's get WASTED! Pro 1.3 torrent download . The formation of the universe and life it it on Earth There is an interpretive film that I felt I really had to see it a second time before writing a formal review, so instead I decided to shoot a quick discussion about the film with a few friends on the ground in Cannes have.

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